Mercury is in Scorpio-Jyeshta from December 8th until 18th 2020, giving you a deep and intense way of communicating.

You are not interested in superficial appearances now but want to get into the heart of your subject, perhaps studying more or using your direct experience as a learning tool. This nakshatra is ‘The Elder’, and the ruling devata is Indra, King of the Gods, which sees you taking responsibility for your communication or stepping up to be a leader or spokesperson. You may deal with older people now, or be the eldest yourself within a particular group.Jyeshta’s Shakti, or unique gift, is ‘courage in battle’, so you also stand up and defend your beliefs, or go on the offensive if you have an important message to share.

The symbol here is an umbrella or talisman, so you are concerned with providing security and protection – knowledge is power and you learn more so that you can make somebody feel safe.  You may also encounter stubbornness and resistance and it is as well not to take an entrenched position with your ideas – remain open to persuasion and realize other people have their own outlook.  From December 11th especially, you have a diplomatic quality and can get your ideas accepted by taking a friendly and compromising approach. This asterism is also associated with Alakshmi, the elder sister of Lakshmi Devi, and signifies scarcity or lack – so promoting your cash flow, or helping someone else make money is good use of the time.

Mercury is the planet of business and commerce, so striking a deal or bringing people together is a smart move that can see you profiting. The final pada of Jyeshta, from December 15th to 18th is the Gandanta zone, which sees your ideas change and a restless feeling surrounding your mind. It is worth getting past this point before giving a firm promise.
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