What does February have in store for you? See the transits that are happening in the sky in February and read personalized insights for each one based on your Vedic Moon sign in your birth chart (which we calculate for you in the align27 app).

Mercury in Uttara Ashada - 4 February to 14 February

Rethink your victory strategy. Mercury, planet of intelligence and communication, is in Uttara Ashadha from February 4th to 14th 2023 the nakshatra across the zodiacal signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn.

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Sun in Dhanishtha - 6 February to 19 February

March to your own drum-beat. The Sun, planet of soul and self-expression, is in Dhanishtha from February 6th to 19th 2023, the nakshatra sitting across the zodiacal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.

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Venus in Purva Bhadrapada - 7 February to 18 February

Playing with romantic fire. Venus, planet of love and the arts, is in Purva Bhadrapada from February 7th to 18th 2023, the nakshatra which reaches across the signs of Aquarius and Pisces.

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Jupiter in Uttara Bhadrapada Pada 4 - 8 February to 24 February

A deep mystical quest. Jupiter, planet of faith and philosophy, is in Pada Four of Uttara Bhadrapada from February 8th to 24th 2023, in the sign of Pisces.

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Saturn in Dhanishtha Pada 4 - 14 February to 14 March

Inner drive to wealth and fame. Saturn is in pada four of Dhanishtha from Feb 14th to March 14th 2023, as the planet of boundaries, karma and success progresses through the sign of Aquarius.

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Mercury in Shravana - 14 February to 23 February

Listen as much as you speak. Mercury, planet of thought and communication, is in Shravana within the sign of Capricorn from February 14th to 23rd.

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Venus, Jupiter Conjunction in Pisces - 15 February to 12 March

A romantic guru figure. Venus, planet of love and art, comes together with expansive and protective Jupiter from February 15th to March 12th 2023, in Pisces, where both planets are strong.

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Venus in Uttara Bhadrapada - 18 February to 1 March

Find faith and romantic freedom. Venus, planet of love and art, is in Uttara Bhadrapada, in the sign of Pisces, from February 18th to March 1st 2023, the nakshatra whose name literally means ‘beautiful left foot’.

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Sun in Shatabhisak - 19 February to 5 March

Shed light and healing energy. The Sun, planet of the soul and self-expression, is in Shatabhishak, the nakshatra within the sign of Aquarius, from February 19th to March 5th 2023.

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Rahu in Ashwini Pada 4 - 20 February to 24 April

Impulse and emotion. Rahu is in pada four of Ashwini from February 20th to April 24th, the first nakshatra in the first zodiacal sign, which is associated with courage and impulsiveness.

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Ketu in Swati Pada 2 - 20 February to 24 April

Finding your leadership voice. Ketu, the Moon’s South Node, and planet of spirituality and escape, is in pada two of Swati from February 20th to Apr 24th 2023, the nakshatra ruled by Vayu, the Wind God.

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Mercury in Dhanishtha - 23 February to 3 March

Wealth & fame from a smart idea. Mercury, planet of communication, enters the nakshatra of Dhanishtha across the zodiacal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius on February 23rd until March 3rd 2023.

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Jupiter in Revati Pada 1 - 24 February to 11 March

Double down on expansion. Jupiter, planet of expansion and philosophy, is in pada one of Revati, in the sign of Pisces, from February 24th to March 11th 2023.

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Mars in Mrigashira - 24 February to 27 March

Chase your goal with energy. Mars, planet of courage and assertiveness, is in Mrigashira from February 24th to March 27th 2023, the nakshatra spanning the signs of Taurus and Gemini.

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Mercury Combust in Aquarius - 28 February to 16 March

Take pride in a novel idea. Mercury, planet of thought and commerce, is in close proximity to the Sun from in Aquarius between February 28th to March 16th 2023.

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