Sun, the planet of soul and pride, enters Magha in the sign of Leo from August 16th until 30th 2024.
This nakshatra is the Heart of the Lion, the very essence of Leo’s fiery energy, and its name translates to ‘The Grand’. Magha’s symbol of a Royal Throne-Room adds to your regal quality which you back up with stamina, strong will, and the power to lead by inspiration. Step out of the shadows and take centre stage, where a touch of the dramatic brings the best out of you and everyone in your orbit.
There’s ego wrapped up in your efforts and you love the spotlight, while your open and flamboyant style gives friends and family the confidence to do the same. You keep high standards, but people also know you will do anything for them. When you are satisfied and appreciated, you expect nothing in return for your efforts and get a buzz from everyone around you raising their game.
Magha’s Shakti or special power ‘to leave the body at will’ shows its higher mystical side that you can channel into meditation and psychology. Yoga chanting and affirmation add to your self-assurance and decisiveness, along with the Sun’s natural gift of health and spiritual strength. The influence of the Sun’s enemy Saturn gives you a slower and more deliberate style, however, and you think more about long-term consequences in business.
You may need to keep your courage up in the face of criticism and narrow your focus in pursuit of more specialized goals. You are in especially driven and competitive mode up to August 26th and can take on a challenge or deliver unfinished business to order.
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