The Sun, planet of self and leadership, is in Pushya from July 20th to August 3rd, a nakshatra inside the zodiacal sign of Cancer, which boosts all matters connected with family and security.

Pushya is a fortunate and life-sustaining energy for most purposes, where you feel supported and your ideas are taken up at a higher level. Its presiding devata is Brihaspati, which emphasizes Pushya’s questing side (and is where Jupiter-Guru finds its highest exaltation) so you have a constant gaze on the bigger picture and an almost naive belief in fair play and things working out for the best.

Pushya’s Shakti, ‘the power to create spiritual energy’, gives the Sun an affinity, and you inner strength and charisma, where you can create your own following. Either you investigate different spiritual paths or make your own philosophy with an emphasis on caring and nurturing. Pushya’s symbol, the cow’s Udder, shows you providing security, and the Sun’s natural generosity expands and brings good fortune.

Pride and ego is always wrapped up in the Sun’s position, but you can also shine a light on hidden areas, and embark on a heroic journey which breaks through obstacles and proves your intrinsic worth.  This may happen in your home or a dedicated caring environment like a hospital, hotel or retreat – or else you share your sympathetic and understanding nature wherever you happen to be.

The Sun receives the gaze of its planetary enemy Saturn through this transit, but even this can work out in your favour: a sober influence keeps you honest in your ambitions, gives you strict boundaries and a productive work-ethic.

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