Venus, planet of love and values, is retrograde in Purva Ashada from January 5th 2022 altogether until February 22nd, an extended period which puts extra focus on the nakshatra which translates to ‘the Unconquered’.

The energy of this transit gives you a feeling of and desire for invincibility, despite frequent challenges and battles, and you may revisit a romantic experience or see a different side to a familiar face.

Purva’s Shakti or unique power, is for Invigoration and Renewal, which emphasizes the sense of rekindling your love-life, or working harder to understand your partner.

Purva Ashada is ruled by Apas, the personification of water, and you may decide on a holiday by the sea, swimming, sailing or travelling by ship – or else a journey overseas which brings you a new romantic interest. Prepare for a second opportunity to arise and stay flexible.

This asterism is also known to be a good debater, so you get into arguments and discussions over your beliefs and security concerns, but always with a strong diplomatic quality. If you are challenged in a relationship, you argue back, and in the end your opinion prevails – but make sure you are prepared for a long campaign.

Purva Ashada’s symbol is a Sieve or Fan, which is used to separate wheat from the chaff, and you may have a major sort-out in your affairs, where you decide what’s important and who you most want to be with.

This is doubly the case with Venus turning direct in this asterism on January 29th, which may give you a new angle on a relationship, or else you work consciously with the conditions to buy, sell, create and socialize, and get maximum value for your time.

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