Jupiter, planet of philosophy and expansion, is in pada four of Revati, from April 8th to 22nd 2023.

This nakshatra translates to ‘The Wealthy’ and promises abundance and refined qualities, especially as Pada four of Revati also relates to Pisces navamsha, the underlying chart of relationship and good luck.

Jupiter vargottama is powerful in any event, but in its own sign gives you a reservoir of inner calm to tap into as you break your own boundaries and personal bests. You may not be able afterwards to explain how you achieved your goals, but still, use this transit to surprise yourself and be of extra help to other people.

Revati’s Shakti, or special power, ‘To Protect’, sees you motivated by a desire to support and provide your friends and family, and you also attract this quality from others.

Pushan, the defender of lost people and animals, is the ruling deity here, which enhances your charitable instincts and you may bond with someone through giving or receiving a caring gesture.

This pada’s doubly Jupiter-ruled sign influence gives you high expectations, bordering on naivety, and you have to back your vision up with work in the world and not simply pray for change.

Pada four of a nakshatra also relates to the Moksha tendency, which focuses on spirituality and liberation, so you have the perfect opportunity to practice yoga and meditation, and perhaps go on a spiritual journey or pilgrimage.

Stick to your best self, as Jupiter remains stuck between harsh Rahu and Saturn through this transit, demanding that you tune out any sceptical voices and concentrate on the real affirming impact you can make.

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