Jupiter-Guru, planet of belief and expansion, is in the second pada of Uttara Ashada between November 20th and December 7th 2020.
This portion of the asterism sees Jupiter returning into an area it was in already this year, from late March to late June, and there is a sense of repeat business now as the planet shifts into zodiacal Capricorn. This sign is where Jupiter is in its debilitation, and Capricorn qualities of calculation and opportunism contrast sharply with Guru’s expansive nature.
Jupiter prefers spontaneity and openness, trusting to good judgement and intentions. This second pada of Uttara also relates to Capricorn navamsha – the spirituality and relationship chart – so has a particularly Saturnine flavour, where you are tempted to second-guess and play the percentages.
Professionalism takes precedence over purity and you look for practical solutions over staying true to your principles. However, Jupiter also joins transiting Saturn in this sign, which lifts Guru’s level and allows it to function more strongly. Though you are cautious and perhaps even a little fearful with your expansion, you can still do the right thing and end up with a good result – even if by a difficult path.
A generous gesture comes from a sense of obligation, even guilt, but you remain discrete and are an adept at handling political situations where competing interests are at stake.
Uttara’s nature is smart, educated and diplomatic, with the promise of popularity and many friends, and it is ruled by the Ten Vishwadevas, the personification of spiritual merit.
The Shakti, or special gift of Uttara is for ‘Unchallenged Victory’, so your preparedness and forethought sees you achieving targets almost without realizing it. Uttara’s symbol of the elephant’s Tusk shows penetration and insight into a situation – there is an association with Ganesha, God of Success, here and practicing his mantra removes obstacles on your path.
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