Mars, a planet of energy and initiative, is in Rohini within the sign of Taurus from July 27 to August 16th, 2024.

Rohini is one of the truly auspicious nakshatras, renowned for its beauty and charm, flirtatious nature and links with planting and agriculture. Its Shakti, ‘To Grow’, sees events flourishing in an upward and positive direction, so despite Taurus being an enemy sign of Mars, the planet now has room to move and act. Rohini’s Lordship by Bramha the Creator also shows your creative and artistic efforts bearing fruit, and you having the drive and initiative to chase up all leads.

You can make contacts and know how to move steadily, with the only risk being Mars’s impetuous style proving too harsh for Rohini’s gentle and leisurely nature. You hate to be hurried and may be playing catch-up, but be careful of taking a too-stubborn position after August 6th. Be prepared to adapt and negotiate if your plans have to change suddenly.

Rohini’s symbol of a Cart suggests travel and progress, and accumulating possessions and security on your way. Certainly, you want material results, even if your ultimate prize is delayed. You do well in classically feminine areas, luxuries and fashion, where you manage your image and artistic ambitions, and send out the right signals.

Mars coming together with adventurous Jupiter through this whole transit gives you inner belief and a sense of fair play, and August 12th to 16th especially finds you with extra energy, stamina, and personal charisma.

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