The Sun, planet of ego and self-expression, enters Sagittarius-Mula on December 15th until 28th 2020, the nakshatra associated with the bare essentials and getting into the heart of the matter.
Mula is concerned with simplicity and austerity, where following a cause or desire comes for its own sake rather than business or status motivation. You can explore your specialized subject and become an expert far beyond the ordinary. The Shakti, or unique power, here is ‘the power to ruin and destroy’, which suggests breaking down old structures and reordering your life along new lines.
However, Mula’s root theme is also ideal to ‘plant’ a new business or ambition, or study a new subject and watch your pet project succeed. Spending time out of sight is very rewarding and you put in the hours and come out ahead of the competition. The Sun illuminates wherever it lands, and you may also receive a flash of insight in meditation, or in your regular routine that cuts through all superficial business.
This nakshatra is ruled by Nirrita/ Alakshmi, the devata associated with scarcity – opposite qualities to those of her elder sister Lakshmi Devi – and it is said to be unfortunate for borrowing or gambling, so be careful not to over-extend yourself. The first three degrees of this nakshatra are also part of the Gandanta zone, the border country between zodiac signs and nakshatras, and your plans until December 17th may have an a particular otherworldly quality – run your thinking past someone whose opinion you trust.
The Sun is flanked on either side by benevolent planets Venus and Jupiter through this transit, which gives it a easygoing and charming quality. Access to your roots is more open, and even Mula’s intense, reforming nature comes about with less stress and upheaval.
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