Venus, planet of love and art, enters Bharani in the zodiacal sign of Aries from March 23rd to April 3rd 2023.
Bharani’s name means ‘she who bears’, while its symbol of a Vulva associates with giving birth – either physically, or in the sense of spawning plans and creative ideas. These feminine and maternal qualities give you a flair for catering and hospitality, where you look after people or take a caring role in a job or business.
Your romantic affections may be rather overpowering to some, so be mindful of giving your partner breathing space, even if close attention sits naturally with Venus’s caring and passionate nature.
Bharani’s Shakti is ‘the power to carry things away’, in the sense of a spiritual transformation or perhaps removing an obstacle from your life, and this quality can go different ways. An initial separation from your partner may be difficult, even if it is your idea, so it pays not to be too impulsive or to get ‘carried away’ in the moment.
This nakshatra’s ruler, Yama, Lord of Death, affirms its transforming energy and you may have to let one project go before starting on another, or else achieving one goal eliminates that desire and lets you move on feeling freer.
You can also take the initiative with a creative plan for your work, as part of a drive for achievements and ambition. Venus receives the influence of strict, karmic Saturn through this transit, which gives you a cooler and more considered romantic attitude.
Strike a balance in the battle between your impulses and the need to think long-term, but recognizing a past relationship scenario allows you to learn from past experience and break out of a repeating cycle.
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