Mars, planet of courage and initiative, is in Rohini within the sign of Taurus from August 27th to September 24th.

Rohini is one of the truly auspicious nakshatras, renowned for its beauty, charm, flirtatious nature, and links with planting and agriculture. Mars’s impetuous fiery approach at times may be too harsh for Rohini’s gentle and leisurely nature, though this is also a Rajasic, action-oriented nakshatra, where you simply work in a different style and direction.

You can do well in classically feminine areas, luxuries and fashion, where you manage your image and artistic ambitions, and send out the right signals. Try operating more slowly and deliberately, as Mars grounds your plans and focuses on security and stability, in a classic ‘marathon rather than sprint’ style.

You have the drive and enterprise to make things happen, but Rohini’s Shakti, ‘To Grow’, concentrates on planting seeds and getting best value for the least exertion. Your creative and artistic plans unite as Mars cultivates good contacts, though Mars has you finding a middle way between cooperation and competition.

You are affectionate and sensual in relationship, and clear about your intentions in a persistent romantic chase. Rohini’s symbol is a Cart, which suggests travel and progress, plus the idea of carrying a load or accumulating rewards and prizes.

Make sure, however you do not become preoccupied with simply the material, as Mars can be channelled in a higher and more spiritual direction.

This transit is part of Mars’s extended stay in Taurus over 2022, and events set in motion now will return in Rohini later in the year to tie up any loose ends. 

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