The Sun, planet of soul and self-expression, enters Aries-Ashwini on April 13th until 26th, the sign and nakshatra which are both associated with speed and courage.
This moment is ‘Mesha Sankranti’, the Sun’s entry into the first zodiacal sign, where it is also strongest and most honoured, and your energy and charisma step up another level.
Ashwini’s Shakti or special power is for Quick Action and you can successfully size a situation up and make an instant choice, which at other times would be difficult or unwise.
This nakshatra is associated with beauty and flamboyance, and its symbol of the Horse shows speed and power, so working quickly is of the essence and you can achieve more in a shorter space of time. A truly heroic streak sees you shining a light on an area of life that was previously hidden.
Ashwini is lorded by the Ashwini Kumaras, the divine physicians, so exercise and sudden movement also have a positive impact on your wellbeing. Enjoy your boldness and audacity, but discretion is still advised if you would avoid an all-out revolution or pointless battle.
If your intuition tells you something is right, go with it, but have some thought for the fallout. This asterism is Sattvic and Earthy in nature and notable for good manners and charm, so your occasional pushy and competitive side is softened by a pleasing quality that keeps you popular.
The Sun is in Aries with Venus, planet of relationship, through this whole transit, and also with communicative Mercury up to April 17th. This planetary combination gives you a charming quality and sees you striking a deal by being readier to compromise – you show grace under pressure of a deadline but be careful of impulse buys or extravagant speculation.
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