What to do and what not to do – here’s your list for May.

Tap below to see personalized do’s and don’ts based on your Vedic Moon sign in your birth chart (which we calculate for you in the align27 app).

May 3 – 10
Venus, Mars Conjunction in Gemini ~ Reach out and meet somebody new

✅ Do’s
Fight a shared battle alongside a partner, Initiate a meeting or a date rather than wait for them to reach out, Make clever use of media to reach a wider audience.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t pick up the phone impulsively without thinking first, Don’t get swayed if others’ have demands of you, Don’t rush into a romantic liaison.

May 5
Lunar Eclipse in Libra ~ Clearing an obstacle makes for a major victory

✅ Do’s
Wait at least 24 hours before giving your word to any proposition in relationships, Practise focused yoga, meditation and mantra chanting.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t be alarmed if you feel physically overwhelmed.

May 6 – 20
Jupiter in Ashwini Pada 2 ~ Turn your knowledge into comfort and abundance

✅ Do’s
Make a charitable aspect part of your business, Strike a middle path between bold enterprise and building up your foundations Create abundance in accordance with your highest principles.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t measure every issue in purely economic terms.

May 8 – 20
Venus in Ardra ~ Exploring complex and emotional romantic territory

✅ Do’s
Open up your feelings to someone so you can move on Take on an unofficial counselling role.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t get into a rescue-style relationship with built-in drama, Don’t push away someone if you feel they are being contradictory.

May 8 – 21
Mercury in Ashwini ~ Take a second chance for a quick decision

✅ Do’s
Follow your intuition on how to get business done, Study or learn more about your healing art, Use diplomatic skills to balance all options, Wait until after May 15th to have all the info at your fingertips.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t worry about an argument occurring when using impulsive speech, Don’t go for safe options.

May 11 – 25
Sun in Krittika ~ A chance to clear the air and make friends

✅ Do’s
 Use your spark and brightness to achieve your ambitions, Downsize your home or have a big clearout, Be sociable and entertain at home.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t run away from conflict. square up and face things with courage.

May 16 – June 8
Mars in Pushya ~ Somebody warms up to your protective style

✅ Do’s
 Thrive on reading, higher learning and inspiration, Focus is on studying, teaching and spreading knowledge, Transform a stubborn person or deeply traditional organization Use gentle persuasion rather than confrontation.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t give up on working hard to transform a stubborn person, Don’t use confrontation for a desired impact.

May 20 – June 3
Venus in Punarvasu ~ Breathe new life into your relationship

✅ Do’s
Take on the role of a provider and protector, Be aspiring and expect more from your partner, Combine your ideas and energy with a collaborator Bring two opposing parties’ points of view together.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t give in to a tough competitive atmosphere.

May 20 – June 4
Jupiter in Ashwini Pada 3 ~ A spark of inspiration sets your mind alight

✅ Do’s
 Go on a quest for higher knowledge through travel and education, Study alongside a partner, Combine integrity with great personal charm, Distribute your own teaching and insight, Create a new income source.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t skim through the fine print in negotiations, Don’t sway from your principles if tempted to make business from teaching.

May 21 – June 5
Mercury in Bharani ~ A second take refines your brilliant idea

✅ Do’s
 Give birth to new plans, connections and business schemes, Walk a line between conformity and rebellion Raise your awareness and think about what you want to say.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t get deflated when you are put down for airing your opinions.

May 25 – June 8
Sun in Rohini ~ Take a risk and leave the old behind

✅ Do’s
Focus on new opportunities associated with your pride & identity, Appreciate beauty and have a zest for life, Get drawn to fine quality food and lifestyle, Pay attention to new beginnings and projects for success, Win support for a difficult / unusual request.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t become overly jealous or possessive.

May 31 – July 1
Mars, Venus Conjunction in Cancer ~ Take a risk and leave the old behind

✅ Do’s
Take active strides for some company and chemistry, See the other person’s point of view, Be kind, sympathetic & offer a listening ear.

❌ Don’ts
Don’t react instinctively if someone makes advances, Don’t rise to jealousy or possessiveness, Don’t become unconscious of your actions.

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