Mars, planet of action and energy, is in Purva Ashada from January 14th to February 1st 2024, the nakshatra within zodiacal Sagittarius which translates to ‘the Unconquered’.
Uttara’s energy gives a feeling and aspiration for invincibility, despite any confrontation you may go through, and its Shakti or unique power, for Invigoration and Renewal is perfect for a New Year start. This nakshatra’s symbol of a Sieve or Winnowing Fan, separates the wheat from the chaff, and you insist on the best and highest, even if your path involves more effort.
Apas, the mythical embodiment of water, is Purva Ashada’s ruler, which sees this element featuring more prominently in your life, as you spend time near the sea, either swimming or travelling by boat – or else simply taking in more water to stay hydrated.
You can symbolically ‘water’ your ambitions, where Mars gives you courage and decisiveness and reveals your basic indestructible nature. Mars in Sagittarius is strongly influenced by philosophical Jupiter in this transit, both exchanging signs and receiving its aspect, which gives you an extra-exploratory and adventurous streak.
Though you strike new ground, you always play fair and search for higher meaning in work and your personal life. You can channel your unconquerable energy into a campaign or crusade, and alert people to the promise in a particular academic or spiritual field.
January 14th especially gives you an injection of optimism, and you go further and try harder, on a risk-it-all venture. Be careful of gambling too far, however.
A war of words may also ensue as you search for truth, and your enthusiasm for new knowledge and ethical beliefs, carries you away.
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