Venus, planet of love and art, is in Aries-Ashwini from April 10th to 20th, the first nakshatra in the first zodiacal sign.

Ashwini is associated with speed and courage, and its Shakti or special power is for Quick Action, so this transit may see you rush into a relationship, or a partner trying to force your hand when you’re better off taking your time.

Venus prefers balance and harmony, and to take your pleasures slowly, but Ashwini is associated with beauty and flamboyance, which works well in this case. This asterism’s symbol of the Horse shows speed and power, which is also in your favour if you take a chance on a relationship you wouldn’t otherwise consider.

Trust your instincts: you can size a new face up quickly, and a truly heroic streak allows you to make a romantic conquest. You know how to handle an ex’ returning into your life and a second chance appearing unexpectedly.

Good news too is that Ashwini has manners and personal charm, and is Sattvic and Earthy in nature, so rushing in is not likely to push anybody away. You also show grace under pressure of an artistic deadline and get ahead while your competitors are still thinking their ideas over.

This asterism is lorded by the Ashwini Kumaras, the divine healers, so an opening comes from giving wellness and hospitality – Venus gives you a flair for the healing arts, perhaps, and an attractive gift simply for making people feel better.

Entertaining is favoured especially if you decide to throw a spur-of-the-moment party. Up to April 14th, Venus is pinned between the twin influence of Mercury and Mars, so you may be playing a diplomatic role or steering a middle way between two romantic extremes.

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